We have a dream that everyone should have the opportunity — if not be required — to learn improvisation, regardless of age, social or financial status or any other reason, and that everyone should benefit from those skills both in life and on stage. Until governments adapt their school curricula however, we continue to support this dream ourselves, passionately and financially.
Our scholarship programme is provided for various reasons at our discretion, and is kept completely confidential between the school and the student. There are always current improvisation scholars working their way through our programmes.
Scholarships are for students we feel would greatly benefit from our training programmes and/or would bring something additional or beneficial to the school the arts or the local area, but are not yet willing or are simply unable to take a class. Once students satisfy this criteria, they may apply for one of the following scholarships:
- Financial Hardship Scholarships, are for students who satisfy the scholarship criteria and want to take a class, but their current financial circumstances may prevent them from doing so.
- General Scholarships, are for students who satisfy the scholarship criteria and would bring additional extrinsic benefits such as increasing access and diversity within the arts, or they’ve shown a unique or exciting natural talent etc. There are many different reasons for being awarded a General Scholarship.
We don’t take formal applications for scholarships, but we do respond to contact from or regarding potential recipients, and we are are always actively looking for people who we’d like to sponsor. So get in touch and we’ll take it from there.
Scholar support
Scholarships range from discounts for individual classes, through to fully paid progression through all of our programmes. Each Scholar’s status in the programme is assessed on an ongoing basis, with strict minimum attendance criteria and other requirements, and is kept confidential between the student and the school.